Planning applications
Arrangements when consultation on planning applications falls between meetings
Links to planning applications received from the planning authority will be made available to the public on the Parish Council’s website. The public will be given 5 working days to submit their views in writing to the Clerk.
The Clerk or other delegated person (should the Clerk be indisposed) will email the planning application number to the Members of the Planning Committee to view online, Members email by return their comments and their approval (support) or refusal (objection).
The Clerk then collates the responses. Where these are evenly balanced the Chairman of the Committee can offer a casting view. A public note will be made available of the final recommendation.
Current applications for consultation
P/LBC/2022/05084 - Hardy's Cottage, Higher Bockhampton, DT2 8QJ - Dismantle section of boundary wall where damaged by tree roots, remove vegetation & re-build wall including additional small brick piers at cottage end to support wall. Installation of bird cage cowl to parlour chimney flue & flues to northern chimney
Please submit any comments to the Parish Clerk via email by midnight on Friday 30 September 2022
Previous applications
P/FUL/2021/01489 - Applegate, Slyers Lane, Waterston - Erection of no.1 glamping cube with associated parking
Parish Council comment submitted: Stinsford Parish Council has no objection to the principle of this proposal but notes the following:
(i) lack of a Design and Access Statement as part of the application; and
(ii) the comments made by the Highways Authority in relation to road safety, as the safety of this particular stretch of road is an ongoing concern to the Parish Council.
WD/D/20/003058 - 2 Birkin Cottages, Stinsford, DT2 8QD - Remove single-storey flat roof projection to front elevation of dwelling house (7.4 cubic metres)
Parish Council comment submitted: Stinsford Parish Council has no objection to this application.
WD/D/20/002528 – Hampton Farm Business Park, Bockhampton Lane, Higher Bockhampton, DT2 8QH – Erect commercial unit
Parish Council comment submitted: Stinsford Parish Council has no objection to this application.
WD/D/20/001886 - Alterations to existing carport to form garage – 7 Stinsford House, Church Lane, Stinsford, Dorchester DT2 8PT
WD/D/20/001887 – Alterations to existing carport to form garage – 7 Stinsford House, Church Lane, Stinsford, Dorchester DT2 8PT (Listed Building Consent)
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council has no objection to these applications.
WD/D/20/001794 - Demolition of existing barn and erect 1no. dwelling - Barn east of Slyers Lane, Waterston
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council has no objection to this application.
WD/D/20/001473 - Rebuild shared chimney stack to exact dimensions, apply lime mortar parging. Insert thatch protection sleeve and flexible steel liners - Greenwood Cottage and The Old Post Office, Lower Bockhampton, Dorchester DT2 8PZ
WD/D/20/001752 - Rebuild shared chimney stack to exact dimensions, apply lime mortar parging. Insert thatch protection sleeve and flexible steel liners - The Old Post Office, Lower Bockhampton, Dorchester DT2 8PZ
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council has no objection to these applications.
WD/D/20/001412 - The Erection of an Extension to an Existing Agricultural Machinery Dealership and Associated Works and Infrastructure - Yellowham Barn, Yellowham Wood, Troytown, Dorchester, DT2 8FA
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council has no objection to this application.
WD/D/20/001413 - Erect extension to main house and erect a detached double garage and a garden room - Yalbury House, Westleaze to Yalbury Lodge, Frome Whitfield, Dorchester, DT2 7SE
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council has no objection to this application.
WD/D/20/000730 - Land at junction with Slyers Lane, Cokers Frm Road, Cokers Frome - Installation of sewage treatment and infiltration systems for 7 individual plots
Parish Council comment submitted: Stinsford Parish Council have no objection to this application, subject to conditions being met.
WD/D/20/000384 - 7 Stinsford House, Church Lane, Stinsford, DT2 8PT - Form garage from existing carport
WD/D/20/000385 - 7 Stinsford House, Church Lane, Stinsford, DT2 8PT - Works to facilitate formation of garage from existing carport
Parish Council comment submitted: The Parish Council supports these applications.
WD/D/19/001955 - Greenwood Grange, Higher Bockhampton, DT2 8QH - Demolition of existing barn, erection of 4 no. holiday cottages, reception/office building, revised access arrangements, parking and associated infrastructure
Parish Council comment submitted: Whilst agreeing with the points made by the Dorset Campaign to Protect Rural England in its submission dated 30 September 2019 in relation to the environmental impact of any increase in accommodation at Greenwood Grange, the amended application for only 4 additional holiday cottages and the improved traffic circulation plan will have less impact on the local environment and roads than the original application. On balance, Stinsford Parish Council supports the amended application and therefore withdraws its objection to the original application.
WD/D/20/000861 - Land known as Waterston Farm, Slyers Lane, Waterston - Request for EIA screening opinion - proposed development of Solar Farm and Associated Development
Parish Council comment submitted: Whilst acknowledging that this is not a planning application and merely a request for an opinion from Dorset Council, Stinsford Parish Council considers that this proposal should be subject to a full Environment Impact Assessment.
The amended layout from the previous application WD/D/19/003146 is noted.
P/HOU/2021/02124 - 6 Stinsford House, Stinsford DT2 8PT - Installation of double-glazed wooden windows to replace existing rear windows
P/LBC/2021/02125 - 6 Stinsford House, Stinsford DT2 8PT - Installation of double-glazed wooden windows to replace existing rear windows
P/HOU/2021/03538 - Bockton Cottage, Bockhampton Lane, Lower Bockhampton DT2 8PZ - Erection of single storey flat roof extension and conversion of garage into living accommodation
P/LBC/2021/03980 - Bockton Cottage, Bockhampton Lane, Lower Bockhampton DT2 8PZ - Erection of single storey flat roof extension and conversion of garage into living accommodation. Carry out associated internal and external alterations.
P/FUL/2021/02757 - Old Dairy Parlour, Lower Bockhampton Farm, Lower Bockhampton DT2 8PZ - Conversion of existing dairy parlour and re-built eastern elevation to form 1no. dwelling